17 December 2014

From Mariagrazia


oval hugs

from Rita Degli Esposti

"...Gonna miss you more when you're gone"

Supenova edizioni in Venezia (John Gian who organised Jim's very first reading in Europe, Armando Pajalich, Rita Degli Esposti) published "Fortune", by Jim, in 1987,( translated by Franco Beltrametti) and this iconic poem was in it.

"Gonna be worst than now"

With love, Lily Bruder

I had the privilege of sharing this dance with Jim at my wedding last year. It was the last time we were to see each other.
I will miss him and continue to be inspired by him always.
With love,

with love and gratitude, David Schneider

Jim strode towards me the first time we met, holding a creased sheet of paper bearing my picture. I’d sent him the image by email, so we’d recognize one another, and he’d printed it out. I stood at the head of the train in the Cologne station, where I said I would, and he came right on, and held the sheet up next to my head to compare. Then he extended a hand. We’d been exchanging emails for some time.

Jim—chiefly through Coyote Books—had been one of Philip Whalen’s principle publishers, and I was at work on Philip’s biography. Jim had also served as one of Philip’s editors, especially on the large compilation On Bear’s Head. Philip was grateful for all of Jim’s efforts, but beyond that, he also admired Jim’s poetry a great deal, and he enjoyed Jim’s company. He said this repeated. Philip also often leaned on Jim for transport—of himself and of many assorted belongings—because Jim usually had a truck, and Philip usually needed a ride. 

On the day we met, Jim had taken a slightly longer route to Germany, kindly coming through Cologne, so I could interview him. We had lunch first, at a brewery close to the station. After I translated pretty much all the menu items, he said, “If they really have a liver-dumpling soup…well, I haven’t had that in a while.” As a source, Jim was precise, and when he couldn’t be, he restrained himself from speculation. He was surprisingly talkative about what he knew, and he knew an awful lot.

As I worked at writing the book, Jim would graciously look over chapters, query some things, point out others I hadn’t seen. He and Maggie Brown published one long chapter about Philip and Gary Snyder in the online Coyote’s Journal. Jim was a tremendous help and friendly, generous, guiding spirit.

I attach two pictures: 
— one the day we spoke, at a cafe near the Cologne main station;
— one of Jim’s name, copied out in a formal hand. 
Partly because Philip Whalen was a buddhist, because I am, and because Jim seemed at least respectful of buddhism, the card will sit on my shrine until the traditional seven weeks have elapsed since his passing.


from Patsy and Sascha

Koller,with his buddy Jean Paul Belmondo, 1966

16 December 2014

Video: Last Will and Testament

Last Will and Testament
Monte Matano, Moricone, Italia - 2006
Un abbraccio,
Stefano Panzarasa

14 December 2014

Love, Giona Beltrametti


 15 Novembre 2008 - Como Train Station.
1979 - Wolf dog, Franco and Jim, Monte Generoso near Riva San Vitale.

Love, Ida Chapman

Me and my dad.

for our Wild Bardo James

I am Gino from Napoli, south Italia.
James was here many times...was time of poems and heart..big heart.
so..i am with You and with all your family this time of His journey in the eternal Nature of Bliss...
Him is always Live...eternal heart poem.
Yours in LOve

love from massimo and corine

Jim  in Selva del Lamone (Maremma- Italy) - September 2004 for the second Festival of Reistent Literature

Love from massimo de feo and corine young

 Jim in Roma, May 5- 2010, with his daughter and Corine Young
Jim in Spoleto with massimo de feo, in the morning of May 5- 2010

too young - Rita Degli Esposti

Crossing the corner,the shop  where we used to laugh and watch the window , those clothes " for retired people"...no you were too young to die, your soul was young your poetry your heart your pure presence...maybe those who die so young, like you, never die
 the sense of love and sobriety you took into my  life


from Judy Goldhaft

Dear Folks,
I had hoped to post this on the blog for Jim. It took me awhile to put my thoughts into words, so here is a weeks worth of thoughts.

I send you all my best energy to deal with this difficult time. Such an incredible loss.

Please keep me updated and let me know if there is any way I can be of help or support to you.

Judy Goldhaft  (Judy Berg)
San Francisco 12/11/14


Dec 5

So good to see so many of your friends writing on the blog.

Brilliant silver sky full of rain.  Thinking of you water dripping from my eyes too. 

Thanks for the twinkle in your eye. Loved your conversations with Peter Garland. Loved even more our conversations together with Peter Berg – us three rolling in the grass at night, drinking Old Overholt, howling at the moon.

Many thanks for WIND, Fragments for a Beginning. We’ll sing it when we give Peter’s ashes to the fire and the sky on the beach.

Loved your response to my pointing out how many wives you’ve had. Ingenuously, “Well, it wasn’t my fault.”  You are such a lover. I love you Jim.



Driving out to Pt. Reyes predawn
    Your presence is with me
    Your laugh
    & smiling eyes

The sun’s orange glow warms the fog at the rise into Olema. Ravens take flight.

The shimmering water on the road reflecting brilliant winter light recalls wet and snowy streets in Bath

We visited in the nowever as I drove through fog mists along wet highways.   
Recalling other times, another trips, some poemized by you – captured moments in time.

.… Dreamtime visitin’

Dec. 9
In the dark
You transport me
Wrap me in your reality
I breathe with you
From you
For you

Dec. 10

Sadness overwhelms me

Big wind coming tonight

perhaps you’ll blow through

A VENEZIA per Jim Koller, in ricordo

A VENEZIA per Jim Koller, in ricordo

In questa città
dove tutto fluttua, dove siamo stati vivendo,
come hai fatto notare, in cerchi concentrici, sono
andato a letto tardi stanotte e come poche altre volte
ho sentito dentro il cielo grigio una stella respirare
alta nel suo pianto. Una nuvola a forma di lupo
poi è corsa qui sopra ad essa vicina, libera, in questa città
dove come scrivesti la gente non vive la vita
in linea retta. Un' ultima cosa, si procedeva lenti,
girando per strade d'acqua nella sera improvvisa.
Non c'era per forza qualcosa da fare.

dicembre 2014, Francesco Giusti

"From my perspective"

"From my perspective"

Outside in hall squeaky soles

machine to lift move muscles drained

lights on paper wall attempt cheerful

smiles over cataclysm

Knock open door reveal words

tearful life words singing family

root-tight togetherness walking

him through to new life.

Love and peace to you all - Chaplain Justin Coberley, S.R.C.V.

Jim super Jim

ti pensiamo e ancora una volta ti abbracciamo, un abbraccio anche a tutti coloro che ti stanno vicino
cita mimi e miguel

from Thea - Last Will and Testament in Spanish

Sólo quiero que me cubra un cielo azul
quiero nubes, tantas
de ellas, cambiantes, pasando,
cambiando al pasar.

Quiero las noches más oscuras
repletas de estrellas girando.
Quiero que me encuentren los pájaros,
quiero el aliento cálido de los animales.

El viento también ha de pasar,
en su camino a los lugares
en los que estuve.

love from Dianella

Dear Jim,

guardo il giardino
l'erba più verde
sei tu

from Laurie Burhoe

Fare thee well Jim.