14 December 2014

from Judy Goldhaft

Dear Folks,
I had hoped to post this on the blog for Jim. It took me awhile to put my thoughts into words, so here is a weeks worth of thoughts.

I send you all my best energy to deal with this difficult time. Such an incredible loss.

Please keep me updated and let me know if there is any way I can be of help or support to you.

Judy Goldhaft  (Judy Berg)
San Francisco 12/11/14


Dec 5

So good to see so many of your friends writing on the blog.

Brilliant silver sky full of rain.  Thinking of you water dripping from my eyes too. 

Thanks for the twinkle in your eye. Loved your conversations with Peter Garland. Loved even more our conversations together with Peter Berg – us three rolling in the grass at night, drinking Old Overholt, howling at the moon.

Many thanks for WIND, Fragments for a Beginning. We’ll sing it when we give Peter’s ashes to the fire and the sky on the beach.

Loved your response to my pointing out how many wives you’ve had. Ingenuously, “Well, it wasn’t my fault.”  You are such a lover. I love you Jim.



Driving out to Pt. Reyes predawn
    Your presence is with me
    Your laugh
    & smiling eyes

The sun’s orange glow warms the fog at the rise into Olema. Ravens take flight.

The shimmering water on the road reflecting brilliant winter light recalls wet and snowy streets in Bath

We visited in the nowever as I drove through fog mists along wet highways.   
Recalling other times, another trips, some poemized by you – captured moments in time.

.… Dreamtime visitin’

Dec. 9
In the dark
You transport me
Wrap me in your reality
I breathe with you
From you
For you

Dec. 10

Sadness overwhelms me

Big wind coming tonight

perhaps you’ll blow through

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