We are also moved by the title you chose for the collection of his poetry, since Stefano made it a song.
And he played it many times with Jim, he worked with him on the song...
That's all for tonight, We will write again.
We are glad Jim has a large and beautiful family and is now well cared at the hospital.
Mariagrazia and Stefano
Jim Koller
di Mariagrazia Pelaia
Persi fra strade in cui passiamo e ripassiamo
sapendo solamente che ci siamo già stati.
Preso il treno da Tivoli, dal finestrino
guardato quella pioggia giù sui colli abruzzesi.
Ritrovata la strada torniamo alle stanze.
Mi vedo lì da solo, con lo sguardo sospeso…
Ignaro delle foto ancora da venire,
non dove le avrei viste, lungi da questa
Ora, dici, riprendi quel treno, non più
andrai fin sulla spiaggia? Non sarà come
Lungo la riva, onde al crepuscolo, infrante
prima di incontrare la nostra sabbia pesta.
Rimettiamo in piedi una sedia di vimini
lì trovata, un relitto dalla costa croata?
Proseguire? La sedia invita a riposare,
rivolta alla sua patria, che altro si può
Le onde sempre più bianche in un foscheggiante
prima di incontrare la nostra sabbia pesta…
Ostico ipotizzare che prepara la notte,
non vedendo nemmeno cosa abbiamo davanti
a una certa distanza… resti di nave estinta?
con alberi distesi su nell’oscurità.
Invece non son alberi, sono travi di un ponte
su cui salire: un ponte per il futuro, udite!
Giriamo e torniamo per la strada già fatta.
Tu indichi i lucchetti, i vincoli di Venere
appesi al ponte, ora moda in Italia, dici,
uso iniziato altrove, non qui. Un altro ponte.
Ho visto poi le foto e mi sono sorpreso
di trovarti e vederti qui accanto a me.
5-19 dicembre 2010
Per Mgp
James Koller
We were lost
walking those streets, passing again
through them,
knew only we'd been there before.
We'd taken the
train from Tivoli, watched the rain
out our window,
falling on those Abruzzi hills.
We did find our
way, made it back, up to our rooms.
I see myself
sitting alone, staring at my wall.
I hadn't yet
seen the pictures, they were still ahead,
not where I'd
soon see them, far from that room.
You say now
you'll return, ride that train again.
Will you walk
the beach, too? Won't be like it was.
All along the
shore, the waves at dusk, broke
before they
reached us, where we walked, in sand.
When we found a
wicker chair, we stood it on its legs.
Wreckage. Washed
up from the Croat coast?
Did we keep
walking? With the chair to rest in, with its view
back to where it
came from? What else could we see?
Waves, breaking
white, in a darkening sea,
before they
reached us, where we walked, in sand.
Hard to see
what's ahead with night coming on,
couldn't see
what was there, before us, in the distance.
Looked to be
what was left of some near gone ship,
its masts
reaching out into the darkness.
But they weren't
masts, were the supports of a bridge,
& we walked
up onto it. A bridge to tomorrow, I said.
We turned
around, went back, the way we'd come.
You pointed out
the locks, locked lovers' locks,
hung from
the bridge, The custom now in Italia,
you said,
begun, somewhere
else, another, bridge. Not this one.
When I did see
the photos, I was surprised
to find you, see
you, standing beside me.
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